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Hotel Accommodations & Banquet Meals
Challenge Walk provides accommodations for Walkers & Super Crew, Friday & Saturday nights. NMSS is responsible for all room reservations.

*Please note: Walkers, volunteers & guests are financially responsible for their Thursday night accommodations.  Reservations will be made by the chapter. Questions? Contact

For more information on accommodations, click here.

Rest Stops & Catered Lunches

There are pit stops every 1.5 miles and rest stops every 3 miles stocked with beverages and snacks to keep you hydrated and energized. Along with the rest stops, each day you will be treated to a catered lunch along the route. All rest and lunch stops have port-a-jons and volunteers to assist you.

Medical Assistance
There are professional medical personnel monitoring the route, rest & lunch stops and at Wild Dunes. From blister care to wrapping ankles, these trained nurses and EMT professionals are there to help you.

Support and Gear Vehicles (SAG)
The route is continually monitored by SAG vehicles who can provide  any extra help you may need along the route or transportation assistance.

We have massages available at the Wild Dune’s, Lettered Olive - to loosen sore and tight muscles. Massages are on available on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Volunteers & Staff
There are several volunteers and dedicated staff to support you throughout the weekend. They are responsible for making the event run smoothly and provide endless support and encouragement to keep you motivated.

Opening and Closing Ceremonies
We encourage you to invite family and friends to the opening and closing ceremonies to be part of this memorable weekend. The opening ceremonies are filled with lots of energy to kick-off the Challenge Walk. On Day Three, the closing ceremonies will celebrate your accomplishments.

Thank you to our premier national sponsor

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